In consideration of the acceptance of my child’s registration and participation in any the Art Base workshop, class or activity, I, on my own behalf and/or behalf of my child, agree to the following waiver and release:
On behalf of myself and on behalf of my child or minor, and our heirs, successors, and executors, I am voluntarily allowing myself/my child to participate in any Art Base workshop, program, class or associated activity (collectively, “Workshop”) and hereby agree to accept full and sole responsibly for, and acknowledge and am fully aware of any and all risks and dangers, including without limitation of serious bodily injury, death or property damage, that may result or arise in any way from such participation. I also assume full responsibility for any and all risks associated with my or my child’s selection, preparation and use of any equipment or materials directly or indirectly related to my/my child’s participation in any such Workshop. I understand that in any Workshop myself or my child may use inherently dangerous tools, equipment, machines, chemical or substances, including without limitation, saws, sanders, soldering equipment, cutting torches, and presses. I agree that I will prior to the commencement of any Workshop educate and inform myself and my child on the inherent dangers and risks that are associated with participation in that particular Workshop, including as to the tools, equipment, machines, chemical or substances used in that Workshop.
I, for myself and/or on behalf of my child or minor, and our heirs, successors, and executors hereby knowingly and intentionally release, indemnify and hold harmless the Art Base, its owners, directors, members, officers, officials, agents, representatives, employees, workshop organizers, volunteers, supporters and sponsors (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against, and hereby waive, any and all claims, actions, causes of action, suits, liabilities, damages, expenses, and costs (including, without limitation, attorney fees) of any kind or nature, whether foreseen or unforeseen, in any way arising directly or indirectly or related to my or my child’s participation in any and all Workshops and related activities (including without limitation transportation of myself or my child in connection therewith and to and from the Art Base), and any act or omission of the Released Parties, including without limitation for any property damage, personal injury or death regardless of whether such injury or death results from the negligence or other act or omission of the Released Parties, or from some other cause.
I hereby represent that I have medical insurance in full force and effect which covers myself and/or my child and will adequately pay the costs of any and all medical care to treat any and all personal injuries that myself and/or my child might suffer in connection with my or my child’s participation in or presence at the above any Workshop.
I hereby agree not to sue, on behalf of my child or my own behalf, any and all of the Released Parties for any claim, damages or other item covered by Paragraph 2, above. I further agree that the above representations are contractually binding and are not mere recitals. This agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing and accepted by the Art Base.
I hereby grant to release the Art Base, their successors and assigns, and those acting under their permission, or upon their authority or those by whom they are commissioned: a.)The unqualified right and permission to reproduce, publish, circulate or otherwise use photographs and/or motion pictures or voice reproductions of me or my child, to the extent as stated above, whether taken in a studio or elsewhere, in black and white or in colors, alone or in conjunction with other persons or characters, real or imaginary, in any part of the world. This authorization expressly covers only the medium directly connected with participation in the Art Base workshop and does not include any other usage not specifically mentioned. I hereby waive the opportunity or right to inspect or approve the finished photographs, films or tapes or the use to which it may be put or the copy of illustrations used in connection therewith.
Additionally, I waive all my right, title and interest in and to all negatives, prints, tapes, and reproductions thereof, and I do hereby release the aforesaid parties and their successors and assigns, is any and all rights, claims, demands, actions or suits from which I may or can have against them on account of the use or publication of said photographs and/or motion pictures or tapes.
I acknowledge, agree and accept full and sole responsibility to provide or arrange for transportation for myself or my child to and from the Art Base for any Workshop, and that the Art Base has no responsibility for such transportation, including to provide or arrange for, or to supervise such transportation.